Saturday, July 19, 2014

Redevelopment Phases 4, 5 and 6
Exterior and interior of the front of the building and gym at the back.


The People's Gym and Fitness Centre
Towards 10 July 2015 & Hand over

26 June 2015 Behind the gym

26 June 2015 Gym entrance

26 June 2015 Main view
26 June 2015 View of main room

26 June 2015 View of main room


10 May 2015 Field view
10 May 2015 Rear view
23 April 2015 From Howgill Lane
16 April 2015 Back side view
19 February 2015
19 February 2015 Looking down the sports field
19 February 2015 Looking towards Howgill Lane

Gym beginnings 4 September 2014

Front Refurbishment
As it was in July 2014

1 December 2014

1 December 2014 The refurbished front entrance

1 December 2014 Inside the front lobby

1 December 2014 The Technical Booth

1 December 2014 The new bar


1 December 2014 Inside the new bar

Enlarged Main Entrance Lobby 1 October 2014

New Bar 1 October 2014

20 August 2014
20 August 2014
 18 July 2014
 18 July 2014

30 June 2014
30 June 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014

About The Sedbergh People's Hall


Location: the Hall is located in Howgill Lane, next to the playing fields, a short walk up the hill from the Dalesman public house in Main Street. The Hall does not have a postal address, but an adjacent post code for satnavs is LA10 5DE.

Bookings: these are made at Sedbergh Office Services, 13 Kings Yard (behind The Bull Hotel). Open generally: Monday to Friday, 10.00– 16.30 and Saturdays, 10.00 – 12.00. Hall availability can be viewed on the Hall website (

Tel/Fax: 015396 20788.


The following forms can be obtained by email or by post:

Booking Form
Terms and Conditions
Hirers Information
Notice of intention to supply alcohol
Price list

Some useful information is given below.

All regular long term bookings are subject to the approval of the Management Committee.

Payment: must be received at least seven days before the event, or at the time of booking if under seven days in advance.

Keys: these are available from Sedbergh Office Services during their opening hours.
The Hirer can collect the keys in person during the opening hours of Sedbergh Office Services on the day of the event, or on the day before. In exceptional cases, where the Hirer is unable to attend in person, the Hirer must contact Sedbergh Office Services for other arrangements to be made. Keys should be returned to SOS as soon as possible. A fee is charged to replace keys that are not returned.

A full set of keys (front and back door) will be given to anyone hiring the Main Hall or the Main Hall and Committee Room. A back door key only will be given to anyone hiring the Committee Room only. The keys are identified as: Gold key: Main door, Yale-type key, Rear door; Silver key, cleaning cupboard (located in female toilets).

Hall equipment: Male and female toilets and disabled toilet; bar facilities; and approximately 180 chairs; folding tables (39 large and 9 small); water boilers and tea urn; cutlery; 100 cups/mugs, saucers, plates, etc.; 3 large teapots; first aid kit (Kitchen); cleaning equipment (kept in cupboard in the female toilets).

Hall facilities: Hall light switches are at the left hand side of the stage as viewed from the main hall.
Lighting on the stage is adequate for most events at no extra charge. Additional lighting for a charge.
Heating for the main hall is by £1 slot meters also to the left of the stage. Instructions are provided nearby.
Heating for the large committee room is by wall heaters - free of charge.
Capacity of the Hall is 199 seated or 300 unseated.
Kitchen: priority is given to users of main hall and its use is free of charge.

Fault reporting
Should anyone using the hall discover a fault, damage or other situation, which might cause injury and which cannot be rectified immediately, the persons above, or Sedbergh Office Services, should be informed as soon as possible so that the problem can be dealt with. Where equipment is damaged a notice should be placed on it warning that it is not to be used and it should be placed beside the cleaning cupboard (located in the female toilets).

Facilities for persons with disabilities
The Sedbergh People's Hall Management Committee is committed to a programme of improvement to enable disabled visitors the maximum reasonable access to all parts of the hall, and minimise all unnecessary restrictions to such visitors enjoying the Hall’s facilities, including the following:
Car parking Spaces are provided for setting down/picking up on level ground and parking spaces can be reserved on request in the car park.
Access to the main entrance Level, firm, access for wheel chairs etc, and markings for the partially sighted are provided.
Internal circulation and aids to orientation All principal door openings are sufficiently wide for wheelchairs and visually distinguished for the partially sighted.
Toilet and washing facilities Toilet and washing facilities suitable for disabled visitors are provided and will be further adapted and improved to meet fully the British Standards required by the DDA.
Aids to communication A audio loop system is provided, but the hall's acoustics are good. All signs are in large print sans serif with pictograms
Wardens/Fire marshals: It is expected that all stewards appointed by the Hirer shall act as Wardens/Fire Marshals in the event of any emergency.

Fire alarm action
The fire alarm is a siren.
On hearing the fire alarm all Stewards (as listed on the booking sheet) should order an immediate evacuation to the assembly area (the car park).
If safe to do a Steward should examine the Fire Alarm Panel (situated in the bar) to identify the Zone in which the alarm refers.
Zone 1: Bar & WCs
Zone 2: Hall & Stage
Zone 3: Back stage
If safe to do so visit the zone to ascertain situation.
If a fire or other emergency condition exists immediately telephone 999 for the Fire Service (do not delay).
If safe to do so attack the fire using the appliances provided but only if you are competent to do so.
A roll call should be made in the assembly area.
Stewards should only permit re-entry of the building when the emergency has been resolved and it is safe to do so.
Stewards are permitted to silence alarms only when a safe condition has been obtained by entering Code 123 followed by pressing button marked “Silence Alarms”. They are to attempt no other actions with the Fire Alarm Panel.
As soon as possible contact the People’s Hall committee on one of the following numbers and make a verbal report of the incident, however trivial it may appear: (015396) -20885, 20808 -21833, -20677, -20790

General admission policy for events
In cooperation with the South Lakeland Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership, a high standard of conduct is expected from everyone, who uses the Sedbergh People’s Hall.
Persons who do not behave properly are not welcome on these premises
Admission policy for events where there is to be a bar in operation

1) The Designated Premises Supervisor, or their appointed deputy, (DPS) can refuse admission to any person, and does not have to give a reason.
2) The DPS shall ask for proof of age from anyone who looks under 21 years of age.
3) The DPS shall refuse to serve anyone who has had too much to drink.
4) The DPS has the power to ask persons to leave the premises.
5) The police can be summoned to assist in ejecting persons from the premises.
6) Reasonable force may be used to eject persons from the premises.
7) The Management Committee can ban persons from the premises for an indefinite period.
8) Persons who are troublesome or a nuisance to others, or misbehave while on the premises, are liable to be banned by other local licensees.
9) Anyone, who is drunk, under the influence of drugs, carrying offensive weapons or drugs, violent, quarrelsome or disorderly and refuses to leave may be committing an offence and may be liable to a fine.
10) Persons who assault or threaten anyone or cause any damage on the premises, and are convicted in a court of law, may also have an exclusion order made against them for the premises and other licensed premises.
11) Admission will be refused when the Hall is full
12) No glasses or bottles shall be taken out of the main hall
13) Any person found with drink not purchased in the bar shall have it confiscated and be requested to leave.

Protection of children:
The Management Committee is committed to and will champion the protection of children and young people both in society as a whole and in its own community. Hirer’s attention is drawn to their responsibilities and duties under the child protection legislation including: the Children Act 1989 and The Protection of Children Act 1999 when the Hall is hired for persons to supervise or work with children.

Health and safety policy statement
The People’s Hall Management Committee considers the promotion of the health and safety of its employees at work and those who use its premises, including contractors who may work there, to be of paramount importance. The Management Committee recognises that the effective prevention of accidents depends as much on a committed attitude of mind to safety as on the operation and maintenance of equipment and safe systems of work. To this end, it will seek to encourage staff, volunteers, committee members, hirers and users to engage in the establishment and observance of safe working practices.
It is the intention of the People’s Hall Management Committee to comply with all Health and Safety legislation and to act positively, where it can reasonably do so, to prevent injury, ill-health or any danger arising from its activities and operations.
Our policy is to: a) provide healthy and safe working conditions, equipment and systems of work; b) keep the hall and equipment in a safe condition; c) provide such training and information as is necessary; for staff, volunteers, committee members, hirers and users.
Staff, volunteers, committee members, hirers and users are expected to recognise there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the committee, with all safety requirements set out in the hiring agreement and with safety notices on the premises and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves or to others.
It is the duty of all staff, volunteers, committee members, hirers and users to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities and to co-operate with the Management Committee in keeping the premises safe and healthy, including the grounds.